Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sometimes I forget how much is seeping out of my mouth and into my daughters belief systems. Everything I say, pretty much is completly forming this child's reality, and that is a lot of responsibility.
Then first time I noticed this was when she is asking me what happens when you die, and I told her, you get reborn agian.
I remember the feeling of, wow I am in total charge of this persons well being on every level imagineable, and probably some I don't know about.
That one I believe as a pretty much absolute, and as I am explaining about the unneccessary need to get upset about flowers dieing because the grow again in the spring, I feel like she could relate these two together.
But am I willing to let this one go, I mean am I going to fight for this one, or others? Do I get to do that? Actually no I don't think I do. She gets to free think and I get to explain without any expectation on her outcome. I can offer I suppose, but not demand.
There goes all my issues I hold against my mother!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Progressive Parenting

I just love living in Portland, OR, where there are so many parents who are reinventing parenting right in step with are evolving pace.
Attackment parenting, healthy food, lots of fun!
How I love going to the park and everyone is playing with the children.
This goves me so much hope, all these kids enjoying life and being creativive are going to change the future as we know it. Because the way things are won't really make so much sense to them.
I love it when my daughter Maya seems to have this obvious understanding of truth and justice.
Like after seeing the movie Wall E, we were not going to be taking any bags from Fred Meyer anymore ( me justing telling her why I don't want her to have a bag, not being a good enough reason), with is fine with me. She dosn' t use toliet paper now, if it isn't nessesary, to save trees!!
Love it!!
Conscious children are a blessing to be with and to be in the world, how glad all those hours of explaining have paid off.